
Hi there! I’m Kiersten and sometimes people call me Kiki! I have been with Wisteria since December of 2020 and it has been wonderful ever since. A little about me is I am currently on my way to learning every Romance language. I already speak Spanish and have started learning French over the last year. I’m also starting Portuguese soon and next stop, Italian! I currently live in DC for college where I’m majoring in French and Journalism. One day I hope to work for Vogue France or the marketing director for Dior - big dreams! I also love to travel and currently taking Europe right now, I would love to visit Asia soon! In all of my recent travels, I would have to say the most beautiful thing I have ever seen is Niagara Falls! Lived my Pam and Jim dream! So that’s a little about me, hope you enjoyed reading! <3

Kiersten colmenares