Katarina Sparling


Hey everyone! My name is Katarina. I’ve filled many roles during my time at Wisteria, including currently presiding as Co-Director with Suchi! While I occasionally write pieces for Wisteria, I mostly work behind the scenes dealing with finances/fundraising/marketing, organizing projects, merch, and print issues. I’m now a freshman at Duke University planning on majoring in public policy and economics, potentially on a pre law or a business track. I just returned from an incredibly eventful gap year where I backpacked Europe for three months, spent a month in Tanzania and submitted Mt. Kilimanjaro, worked at the National Bank of Moldova, visited Japan and Costa Rica, and worked at a taco restaurant in my hometown. Being a part of Wisteria’s evolution has been the most rewarding project of my life—from a print magazine, to a broader collective, to what really became a lifestyle. Long live wisty and its web, may it remain ever fruitful and embracing.

*Founding Member